Good morning.
Today is Primary Day in Brooklyn Park and we woke to a new line of campaigning in our city: This website was hacked.
We have so many issues facing our city that are important to each of us and know that those who want to continue the status quo. They don't much like our positive message of Good Jobs, Lower Crime and Better Image. Some are invested in keeping things the same as they are, some want to continue talking about improvements without true advancement, and some simply don't like the messenger.
Despite some of the negativity we're already hearing, we will continue to talk about the message. It's a message that will bring more good jobs to our community by getting City Hall out of the way. As that succeeds it will spin off additional business creations like restaurants and other support businsses. That brings jobs to young people and those with less experience.
With those successes we help to take kids off the streets, we give them something positive to do and we help lower crime. It also helps stabilize hurting families in our community.
Once we start to see real successes in crime reduction, not just cold statistics but also the perception by residents that it's being reduced, we'll see talk of a better image. That better image, along with the other two issues of good, expanded jobs and lower crime, will mean even more growth in our city.
Some don't appreciate that message but I am here to tell you our residents do. As I have been out meeting you, hundreds so far, the message has resonated well. I have been very well received with our positive message, one that offers hope to people who've grown tired of just hoping. It inspires them to the possibilities of a future in our city that removes the fear some live in today. And as the one candidate in our race who can be a cheer leader for this future, the one who has actually seen both failure and success, who has built two multi-million dollar businesses in the last five years, I intend to continue to work toward these goals.
Despite what we've seen here today on this website we are not deterred but instead challenged and motivated even more.
I absolutely love being out meeting our residents. I begin my work day very early and begin thinking about how many more doors I get to knock tonight. Thank you, Brooklyn Park residents, for the opportunity to chat with you every night.
If you'd like more information about me and our campaign, or would like a yard sign, please visit us at
Good Jobs, Lower Crime, Better Image.