Thursday, November 1, 2012

Just Five More Days

Today is Thursday, November 1st - five days to Election Day.  Since our family meeting in December 2010 to now, twenty two months, we have planned, strategized, recruited volunteers, had several meetings, hundreds of phone calls, hundreds of doors knocked, thousands of homes "lit dropped", lost two notches in my belt and wore out my right knee (which is screaming for me to stop walking).

All of this started at lunch with my friend, Steve Lampi, following the 2010 election.  We actually talked about results right after every election since he became mayor a decade back.  Every year he'd ask me to consider running for city council and every year I'd decline, thanking him for asking.

But in 2010 something was different.  I'm really not sure what it was but there was something in me that said "consider it".  So when he asked me again to consider running my answer was different, it was "let me think about it".  He was a bit surprised but pleased.

A month later I held a family meeting in my son's room where we discussed the idea.  Running for office is hard, very hard work.  Not just for the candidate but also for the entire family.  It takes the candidate away from the family.  In my case, my beautiful bride Michelle has also been a very hard worker, going with me lit dropping every day.  So a decision for a family to give their blessing is an important one.

At that meeting my family gave their blessing, December of 2010, and I called Steve.  He and Kathy were my first contributors that month.  The next month he called me with the news of his cancer.

Like I said, I knew there was a reason I had to consider running this time over all the other times he asked.

My campaign is dedicated to the memory of my friend and our mayor Steve Lampi.  While we didn't always agree on policy, we did agree on the need for a better Brooklyn Park.  That's why I helped on his campaigns and will always consider him my good friend.

Twenty two months later - over 10,000 pieces of campaign literature distributed, dozens and dozens of lawn signs, hundreds of doors knocked - and it's almost over.

As I told my Facebook friends the other day, my bones are screaming "for the love of everything hold, please stop!"  There comes a point where one is just exhausted.  At the same time I was raised to run all the way through first base.  Never stop, never give up, run hard until it's over.  So we do, and will.

Good Jobs, Lower Crime and Better Image isn't just a good slogan.  It's our campaign theme because you gave it to me.  As I door knocked this summer these were the issues you told me were important to you.  So we adopted them and will be the main issues I will focus upon if honored to become your next council member.

Thank you to every person who's given me a few minutes at your front door, open garage or front yard.  I am hopeful you will join me in reshaping our community in ways that will improve our city.