Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Facebook Update

Today we talk about last night's council meeting, leadership and vision for our future.  If you would like to keep up with things happening with our Brooklyn Park city council, at least from my perspective, "like" our page:


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New Facebook Page

If you're interested in keeping up with things happening in our city from my perspective, feel free to "like" my new Facebook page.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

District 33: Looking for a quality barber?

I don't know about you but I've been going to the same barber for 36 years.  36 years!  For most of that time a great barber by the name of Myron was the only person to do so since my mom cut my ear trimming my hair in our Robbinsdale garage.  A few years ago Myron retired and my hair was taken over by his business partner, Keith (who's been with this barber shop the entire 36 years).

This past Saturday we had an appointment for Keith to work his magic, such as it is with my less-than-stellar, thinning head of hair.  Dutifully we got up early and trekked down to Crystal to clean this mop up so I'd look half-way decent for the upcoming swearing in photos.  When we pulled up his red truck wasn't already in the parking lot - we knew something was wrong.  On the door was a sign stating Keith was sick and wouldn't return until today.

Today, Thursday, January 3rd, was too late.  No one wants the "fresh cut" look, it requires a few days of natural growth to make it look, well, natural.

What does a guy do who has had only two people cut their hair for 36 straight years?  This was a traumatic experience!  Panic set in.

I took to my Facebook friends and with the plea of a desperate man asked for advice, for recommendations.  They came from many - barbers from various parts of Brooklyn Park.  I've seen most of these and knew I just couldn't trust myself to just any barber, I needed someone special, someone who'd understand how difficult this entire episode was going to be for me.

Then a recommendation came from someone, a recommendation that surprised me because I'd never heard of this barber.  I had seen the building, but a barber shop named "District 33" didn't ring a bell.

"Call Dave from District 33, he'll take good care of you."  I looked up District 33 and there they were, on the corner of 101st and Jefferson Highway, in the old School House right on the west edge of Brooklyn Park.  I remember lit dropping there the night before election day but didn't recall seeing a barber shop.

So I called Dave and set off to have him take care of me. 

District 33 is in a very old school house that Dave bought in 1980.  This old, abandoned building was in very poor repair.  Dave and his wife bought it, moved it back about 50 feet and completely re-built the building.  Looking at pictures he had it was quite the change.  In the upper level, a house.  In the lower level, a fully operational barber and salon.

I told Dave the story as he got to cutting my hair.  He understood and did a great job.  The best thing was that he put this nervous old guy at ease.

Need a barber?  In a similar situation as I was?  I'd recommend Dave from District 33. He's a great barber and has great history in our city.